Recovering From a Negative Review

Answered by Suzanne Morgan

I've received a negative review from my boss. My feelings are a bit hurt and I was a bit defensive in our meeting. But I mostly agree with her criticisms and want to clean up my record. How should I handle this?

Chin up! No one's perfect. The important thing is that you can admit your flaws and are willing to work on them. If your superior reprimanded you for a mistake or poor performance, take a visible and active role in improving your record:

  1. Tell your boss that you are interested in resolving the problem and are taking steps to do so.

  2. Outline some concrete ways to improve your performance.

  3. Present this outline to your boss.

  4. Ask for feedback on your plan and ask what else you need to do to improve the situation.

  5. Obtain agreement on a plan.

  6. Follow the plan. Track the changes and improvements you have made.

  7. Use the documentation to show how you've resolved the issue.

  8. Ask your boss if she agrees that you've made progress.

  9. If so, ask her to document the improvements for your files and ask for suggestions for continuous improvement.

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