Can I use images from my digital camera in my printed piece?

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Can I use images from my digital camera in my printed piece?

The answer is yes, if you follow these guidelines. Images must be 300 dpi or better for print reproduction. If the images contain text, 400 dpi is recommended. It is always better to set type in your layout program if possible. To determine the largest size your photo may be reproduced at, you have to look at the resolution. For example, a certain 4.0 MP camera will take shots up to 2272 x 1704 pixels (or dots). To calculate the size of a 300 dpi image, divide both dimensions by 300. The result is about 7.5 x 5.7, so the image can be used to reproduce at roughly 7" x 5" or smaller. You can always take a higher resolution image and shrink it, but you can't make it larger. Be sure to shoot digital shots at the highest resolution possible by the camera.

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