Interviewing Print Suppliers

Written by Suzanne Morgan, President/Editor, Print Buyers

Interviewing new print suppliers can be an overwhelming and time consuming process. In our unique industry, there are so many critical factors to consider when deciding upon who is or isn’t an appropriate print supplier for our specific needs. Choosing the right (or worse, wrong) vendor for a job, can directly impact our project’s delivery time, print budget and the quality of our company’s image to its customers, among other factors. The best way to interview and select new print suppliers is to do your homework, meet with your rep face to face and finally, do a plant tour of their facility. Below is a comprehensive checklist of how to prepare, what factors to consider and what questions to ask during the vendor selection process.

Interviewing Print & Graphics Suppliers

Supplier Qualification
Pre-qualify by phone

Once face-to-face:
Questions to ask:

The Print Buyer "Hunch"

The Details - Other issues to talk about:

The Sales Representative is Key!
These questions can help you determine if a rep is the right fit:

Trying out a new print supplier can be a very scary process when you and your company have so much at stake. Once you have completed these steps in qualifying the prospective suppliers, you will have an excellent sense of which ones best fit with you, your company and your buying styles.
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